ਸਿਹਤ ਤੇ ਵਿਗਿਆਨ

World Alzheimer Month

World Alzheimer Month
  • PublishedSeptember 25, 2024

Dementia is an insidious onset gradually progressive syndrome, which usually occurs after 65 years of age due to reduction of neurons in the brain and associated neurochemical changes. It is not reversible till date, but its progress can be slowed down with both pharmacological and non-pharmacological ways.

The theme for this year is “never too early, never too late”. Awareness is always the key to empowerment.

The symptoms in dementia include disturbance in multiple higher brain functions; including memory, thinking, concentration, comprehension, calculation, the capacity to learn new things, language & judgement. As it proceeds their occurs change in emotional control, social behavior & motivation of a person.

So, forgetfulness in old age need not always be normal. It could be Dementia & this awareness is very important; as correct action at correct time can slow its progression & improve quality of life of both patient & family.

There are many types of Dementia but Alzheimer is most common (60-70%). It is important to also be aware that there are other types of Dementia also, some of which are reversible, so proper investigation & treatment is a must.

How a family can help & be empowered are by, that they from early stages involve the person for at least half an hour of walking which stimulates all parts of brain, interact with them, orient them constantly, have a big Calander with a date, day , month & year written on it in bold, a big clock, diary for task noting & cut the tasks done, a daily routine so that they can do their activities of daily living as long as possible. Play ludo with them give small puzzles to solve, show them old movies & songs they want to hear, to keep the interest in life. Reading a page of book daily & discuss about it next day. Validate their efforts so they are motivated to repeatedly do them. Proper nutrition with esp. vit D & B 12 which should be regularly checked. Buy hearing & visual aids (spectacles) & check regularly if requirement is same, to decrease sensory deprivation. Newspapers & TV help to keep in touch with current affairs.

Let family members help out in turns, although routine is very important, but preventing burn out also is! Don’t feel guilty to take help of day care centres, remember you need to take care of yourself too – for it’s a Marathon & not a sprint!!

Dr H K Bedi

MD Psychiatry

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